7 October 2013

B2BITS EPAM Systems releases Eurex T7 Engine

B2BITS, EPAM Systems' Capital Markets Competency Center releases Eurex T7 Engine, a comprehensive connectivity solution for trading on Eurex Exchange, one of the world's leading derivative markets. The engine is based on proven B2BITS FIX Antenna C++™ technology and enables direct access to Eurex Exchange's T7 Trading Architecture:

  • Eurex Market Data Feed (including the high-bandwidth Enhanced Market Data Interface (EMDI) and the low-bandwidth Market Data Interface (MDI)) and
  • Eurex Trading Session (including the Enhanced Trading Interface (ETI), High Frequency (HF), Low Frequency (LF) and Back Office session types).

The new engine is certified against Eurex T7 release 2.0 and 1.2 in the dedicated Simulation Environment and is designed to provide its users with the following benefits:

  • Full support of all functionality and features defined for Eurex Market Data and Trading interfaces
  • Direct access to all market data and trade data types supported by Eurex
  • Maintained connection to Eurex interfaces with automatic connection recovery
  • Automated arbitration between market data feeds and trading gateways
  • Automatic FAST decoding with hidden from Client and encapsulated FAST details
  • Automated detection and recovery of lost market data messages
  • Automated order book management
  • Automated recovery of trading session messages
  • Reuse of FIX Antenna C++ technology delivering the highest performance on the market
  • Flexible high and low level API to send messages and receive messages via call-back interfaces
  • Easily configurable with an XML configuration file or API function calls

 For more information and free trial version contact our sales at sales@btobits.com or refer to dedicated product pages.

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