8 April 2024

FIX Antenna C++ 2.32.0 release: new session parameter was added

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company, is pleased to share the release of version 2.32.0 of FIX Antenna C++ .

FIX Antenna 2.32.0 introduces several significant improvements and features:

  • FIX Antenna C++ now enables clients to securely access their Username and  Password credentials stored in trusted third-party systems such as vaults, databases, and more. Clients can retrieve these credentials using customized scripts according to their needs and incorporate additional actions related to the login process within the same script.
  • The new session parameter is added:  InvalidLogonStrategy which defines how Acceptor and Initiator respond to invalid Logon messages. 
  • Added a thread-safe version of the FIXMessage::toRaw() method that uses an external buffer for serialization.

The complete  Release Notes are available in Knowledge Base.

For our existing customers, the new versions of FIX Antenna C++ are available for download in the B2BITS client space. For other interested parties, an evaluation of FIX Antenna C++ is available upon request. Please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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