5 May 2017

FIX Antenna C++/.NET 2.19.0 release: towards MiFID II

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 2.19.0  of FIX Antenna C++/.NET. 

New FIX Antenna C++/.NET release is addressing requirements brought by MiFID II. Trade events must be recorded with time stamps which are  synchronized with Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) at a high-level of precision: within 100 microseconds, 1 millisecond, or 1 second depending on the trading type.

Release is fully compliant with EP206 Clock Synchronization Datatype Enhancement. This extension pack enhanced the precision of time stamp data types with higher resolution and greater granularity in order to meet MiFID II and MiFIR regulatory reporting requirements. 

The high-resolution timestamps with arbitrary precision are supported in session logs.

The FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary is updated with all tags recently approved by FIX Trading Community (EP217 - EP222 Extension Packs). EP222 -  extension pack extends the FIX Protocol to meet the requirements of MiFID II and MiFIR. This extension pack covers an initial set of critical data requirements identified by the sub-working groups on transparency, and order data and recordkeeping. FIX Antenna C++/.NET 2.19.0 release supports all these additional fields, which will allow to properly report trade events to ARM and APA.

The complete  Release Notes are available in Products Knowledge Base.

New FIX Antenna version is available to our customers in B2BITS client space and to anyone for evaluation on demand - please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com

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