18 May 2018

FIX Antenna C++/.NET 2.24.0 release with new properties to control system resources

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 2.24.0 of FIX Antenna C++/.NET. New version includes the following new features:

Also new properties for TCP protection have been added:

  • The property  for limitation of number of incoming simultaneous connections that haven't sent logon message yet from one host;
  • The property for limitation of connection time for an incoming connection that hasn't sent logon message yet;
  • The property for limitation of the maximum size of the buffer of incoming messages. 

Critical bugs and fixes:

  • PersistentMM storage is cleaned after Windows reboot;
  • FIX Antenna Decorator doesn't support set(Tag, value) method at least for repeating groups.

The complete Release Notes are available in Products Knowledge Base.

New FIX Antenna version is available to our customers in B2BITS client space and to anyone for evaluation on demand - please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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