30 January 2020

FIX Antenna C++/.NET 2.27.1 release: scheduler component is implemented

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 2.27.1  FIX Antenna C++ /.NET.

The major features of this release are Scheduler component and flexible affinity mask setup, see below. Scheduler component allows user to create and execute flexibly defined sessions schedules, see the documentation.

This is the last release that supports Centos 6 and Visual Studio compilers prior to Visual Studio 2015. So, please be informed that Centos 6 configurations along with Visual Studio prior 2015 will be discontinued starting next release. Windows configurations will be reduced to only one - Visual studio 2015 in particular since starting 2015 studio ABI compatibility is maintained across compilers versions, so library built with 2015 studio can be used with 2015/2017/2019. Linux configurations will be reduced to only three: Centos 7 gcc4.8, Centos 7 gcc5.2, Ubuntu gcc6.1

Breaking changes:

Features and improvements:

API improvements:

  • Engine::SessionsManager events sink is extended with onSessionTerminated that is called when a session termination happens. This allows user application to react and force the session to reconnect if desired. See documentation

Logging improvements:

  • Improved text of FIX Dictionary load warnings.
  • Improved exception in the logs for loading dictionary failure

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a bug when session keeps disconnected state for several minutes after disconnection.
  • Fixed a bug when SSL Ciphers list can't be passed to SSLContextConfigurator.
  • Fixed a bug when additional dictionary adds repeating groups incorrectly if leading tag is already present in the message.
  • Fixed a bug when additional dictionary adds repeating groups incorrectly if leading tag of the nested group becomes starting tag of the parent group.
  • EPMBFIXSUP-3642, an initiator doesn't reestablish connection after receiving logout.

Connectivity updates:

  • CME iLink DropCopy dictionaries includes all changes till 31th of December 2019.
  • FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary has been updated with 248-252 Extension Packs.

The complete Release Notes  are available in Products Knowledge Base.
New FIX Antenna C++/.NET versions are available to our customers in B2BITS client space and to anyone for evaluation per request- please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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