29 December 2020

FIX Antenna .NET Core 0.9.3 release: ability to hide passwords in FIX logs and application logs have been implemented

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 0.9.3 FIX Antenna .NET Core.

Features and improvements:

  • User specified tag values in log files are masked with asterisks. This is done to obfuscate sensitive information (such as passwords) by applying masks.
  • Developer gets information about public properties and methods while working with FIX Antenna .NET Core in Visual Studio
  • Distribution package now includes two additional samples: runClientRoundTripLatencyBM and runServerRoundTripLatencyBM
  • FIX log index files from FileSystemStorageFactory and MmfStorageFactory now binary compatible with Log Replication tool

Bug fixes:

  • FIX Antenna .Net Core sends SendingTime tag in message body for Sequence Reset (4) message

The complete Release Notes  are available in Knowledge Base.

For our existing customers, the new version of FIX Antenna .NET Core is available for download in the B2BITS client space. For other interested parties, an evaluation of FIX Antenna .NET Core is available upon request. Please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.


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