3 November 2023

FIX Client Simulator 3.6 release: Ability to model and execute FIX workflow scenarios

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company, is pleased to announce the release of FIX Client Simulator (FCS) 3.6.

FCS now allows for the modelling and execution of FIX workflow scenarios with user-specific conditions that trigger response messages. The interface is highly intuitive and parameterized to capture the scenario's content.

New features:

The  FIX Client Simulator 3.4 introduced the  Automated Testing  functionality enabling users to manually create, automatically record, edit, rename, and delete repeatable test scenarios. Created test scenarios could be executed multiple times via the OnStart handler with each run being marked as successful or failed.

FIX Client Simulator 3.6 extends the Automated Testing functionality with the new  OnMessage handler allowing users to execute test scenarios in the infinite loop to simulate FIX messages flow.

 As an example, users can create and execute the following test scenario:

  1. Send a New Order Single (35=D) message in the 'Initiator' session.
  2. Wait until an Execution Report (35=8) message, indicating the receipt of the New Order Single (35=D), is received from the server.
  3. Respond to each received Execution Report (35=8) message by sending an Order Status Request(35=H) to request the status of the New Order Single (35=D) message. 

EPAM B2BITS FIX Client Simulator

The complete  Release Notes are available in the  Knowledge Base

For our existing customers, the new version of the FIX Client Simulator is available for download in the B2BITS client space. For other interested parties, an evaluation of the FIX Client Simulator is available upon request. Please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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