23 June 2017

FIXEdge 6.2.0 Release: MiFID II Compliance

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 6.2.0 of FIXEdge.

The new version of the FIXEdge underwent a full review for compliancy with MiFID II regulation.

The following MiFID II related features have been introduced in the release:

  • MiFID II compliant  FIXAntenna 2.20.0 under the hood
  • Timestamps with increased precision can be validated in incoming messages
  • Timestamps in SendingTime (52), OrigSendingTime (122) are filled with configurable precision
  • Business Layer has been enriched with methods intended  to receive messages from the session with one timestamp precision and send to the session with another timestamp precision
  • JavaScript functionality has been extended with additional functions to support high-precision timestamps

For more MIFID II compliance details see the following page.

The complete  Release Notes are available in   Products Knowledge Base.

New FIXEdge version is available to our customers in B2BITS client space and to anyone for evaluation on demand - please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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