12 April 2019

FIXEdge Java 1.3.0 release: Added key-value in-memory data storage and Store-And-Forward intermediate queue

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 FIXEdge Java.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Added key-value in-memory data storage:
    • FIXEdge Java provides an ability to store information in the memory for purposes of message enrichment during the routing process. Please find additional information in the article In-memory data context.
  • Added Store-And-Forward intermediate queue:
    • FIXEdge Java provides functionality that messages are stored and forwarded in the event that a connection with one of the counterparties is dropped and messages are not delivered. For additional information please refer to the article Store And Forward Queue.
  • Configuration and deployment to WildFly were added:
    • Added ability to deploy and configure FIXEdge Java on a Wildfly server. For additional information please refer to the article  Installation in WildFly
  • Added support for session qualifiers:
    • Session qualifier gives the user an ability to create several sessions with the same SenderCompId and TargetCompId.
  • FIXEdge Java 1.3.0 is based on the   FIX Antenna Java 2.20.0:

Bugs and fixes:

  • FIXEdge Java does not log the session initialization/registration event:
    • Problem description: FIXEdge Java creates/registers/initializes session according to the schedule. The record about this event doesn't appear in the log.
    • Solution: Logging process of such events was fixed.

The complete   Release Notes are available in  Products Knowledge Base.

New FIXEdge Java version is available to our customers in B2BITS Clients' Space and to anyone for evaluation per request - please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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