15 June 2021

FIXEdge v.6.11.0 release: the ability to assign a dedicated listen port for an acceptor session(s) was added

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 6.11.0 FIXEdge.

The most important features of this release are the ability to assign a dedicated listen port for an acceptor session or group of sessions and the ability to use QuickFIX formatted dictionaries.

The FIXEdge Server now uses the latest version of FIX Antenna (2.28.0) and all its features.

New features and improvements:

  • Added the capabilities:
    • to assign listen port for an acceptor session(s);
    • to bind QuickFIX formatted dictionary to FIX session;
    • to support a custom symbol instead of SOH;
    • to capture the response from the RestOutTA and put it into a FIXEdge reject message;
    • to re-send a message via the RestOutTA if the destination system returns an error.
  • Removed vc10/gcc44 suffix from FIXEdge C++ components.
  • Kafka transport adapter:
    • Configuring the session's schedule on a per-session basis;
    • Support of SSL certificate authentication, PLAIN, and GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication mechanisms;
    • Monitoring of adaptor state and statistics through Admin interfaces.
  • ICE Trade Capture Solution:
    • Support of multiple FIX Sessions to ICE;
    • New Data Request Mode to subscribe for Trades and Security Definitions simultaneously.

Fixed major defects:

  • Fixed the application stops when the ApplVer(1128) tag is not set for SMH in the dictionary but the tag is present in a FIX message.
  • Fixed a case when FIXEdge stops while the TIBCO RV server is started or stopped.
  • Fixed a case when FIXEdge stops when a listening port is already in use.
  • Fixed a case when the CME STP TA does not restore connection after the CME network interrupts.
  • Fixed a case when the Kafka TA does not start with the FIX5.0 message in Kafka storages.
  • Fixed a case when FIXEdge stops if the ICESession and ICESession.SenderCompID parameters are empty

The complete Release Notes are available in Knowledge Base

For our existing customers, the new version of FIXEdge is available for download in the B2BITS client space. For other interested parties, an evaluation of FIXEdge is available upon request. Please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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