15 September 2021

FIXEdge v.6.11.5 release: a smart logic was added while determining FIX application version from FIXVersion attribute

B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of version 6.11.5 FIXEdge.

The main feature of this release is addition of smart logic while determining FIX application version from FIXVersion attribute. The attribute FIXVersion became compliant in FIX to FIXML converter output. 

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed the issue when FIXEdge corrupted FIX messages if reject was generated under high load. Race condition in FIX session while processing the validation errors during high session load was fixed.
  • Fixed the issue when FIXEdge crashed during order cancellation processing without tag 11 in the managed queue. The crash in order cancellation processing in Managed Queue if the request had missing required fields was fixed.

The complete Release Notes are available in Knowledge Base

For our existing customers, the new version of FIXEdge is available for download in the B2BITS client space. For other interested parties, an evaluation of FIXEdge is available upon request. Please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.

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