1 October 2013

New version of FIXEdge 5.6. - Release notes

B2BITS, EPAM Systems' Capital Markets Competency Center releases new enhanced FIXEdge version 5.6.

Key FIXEdge 5.6. Enhancements:

  • Based on new high performance version of FIX engine: FIX Antenna 2.10.
  • Added support of Solaris 10 x86 (both 32 and 64 bits)
  • Added support of new Linux version: CentOS 6
  • New features of FIX Layer:
    • Additional states for FIX sessions: connect and disconnect
    • Ability to send to disconnected sessions
    • Added support of FIX 5.0/FIXT 1.1 over FAST
    • New "ResendRequestBlockSize" parameter of FIX session to support requesting resends by small portions (as required, for example, by CME)
  • Improved scalability of JavaScript rules engine, JS rules are processed by multiple threads
  • FIX Eye log analyzer has been included into the package
  • Enhanced FIXICC monitoring tool, added support of user access control, permissions and configurations management:
    • FIXEdge sessions could be cofigured in groups
    • FIXICC user could be restricted to access only selected FIXEdge installations and/or selected FIX sessions or groups of sessions
    • Centralized permissions storing and managing via Permissions Service
    • Centralized configurations deployment from SVN repository
  • New All-in-one installer (Windows only): install one of the pre-configured deployments ("Single machine installation", "FIXEde Server installation: simple", "FIXEde Server installation: Enterprise configuration", "Monitoring workstation installation") or select your custom set of components
  • New features of Business Layer:
    • New types of conditions:
      • <FieldIsLessThan>
      • <FieldIsGreaterThan>
      • <MsgType>
      • <FieldCheckBits>
      • <FieldBeginsWith>
      • <FieldContains>
      • <FieldLengthGreaterOrEqual>
    • Extended syntax of existing conditions <EqualField>, <NotEqualField>, <ExistField>, <NotExistField>, <CopyField>
    • Logical operations with conditions blocks: <Inclusion> and <Exclusion> blocks
    • Actions can be configured for both true and false results of conditions block: <ActionIfTrue>, <ActionIfFalse>
    • New actions:
      • <StopProcessing>
      • <SetErrorToField>
  • Added support of numeric type for SQL History
  • Bugfixes, major of them are:
    • Memory leaks in ODBC adapter have been fixed
    • Memory leaks in JMS adapter have been fixed
    • Bug "updateHistory JS function works incorrectly with empty values in <commonFields> or <expireDateTime>" has been fixed
    • Bug "JS error "script stack space quota is exhausted"  (multithreaded / GC issue)" has been fixed
    • Bug "CMEHandler doesn't send logon at SOD time if FixServer started inside interval terminate_of_day_time...start_of_day_time" has been fixed
    • Crash of JMS adapter in Linux/Solaris while loading/unloading has been fixed
    • Crach of HTTPS adapter during shutdown has been fixed

We would like to invite you to learn more about enhanced features of FIXEdge and to benefit from the upgrading to the latest FIXEdge version 5.6.

Please contact us at sales@b2bits.com to obtain the latest enhanced version of FIXEdge or for any additional information.

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