17 October 2013

EPAM to exhibit at the 29th Annual Futures & Options Expo

On November 5-7, 2013 EPAM's Capital Markets Competency Center will  be exhibiting at the 29th Annual Futures & Options Expo in Chicago. This is the biggest event of the year for listed derivatives market participants. The Expo will host more than 6,000 guests from over 30 countries. Attendees include senior brokerage and exchange professionals, floor traders, pension fund managers, corporate treasurers, CTAs and CPOs, and individual investors. The Expo will feature the Pulitzer winning journalist George Will as the lunch keynote speaker. The Taste of Expo exhibit hall will host exhibitors with state of the art solutions and trading tools, as well as a reception for mixing and networking at the end of the agenda.

 Our representatives will be glad to welcome you at booth #1616 and describe our offering:

  • connectivity products for trading on derivative exchanges
  • connectivity to clearing houses
  • services for integration with in-house and vendor systems

Full list of exhibit materials is avaialble for download here.

We look forward to seeing you at the Expo. 

For more information from the organizer follow this link.

B2BITS at the 29th Annual Futures and Options Expo

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