29 June 2009

B2BITS® releases a set of products for Intercontinental Exchange connectivity

New York - June 29, 2009 - B2BITS®, EPAM Systems' Capital Markets Competency Center providing tools and technologies for exchange connectivity, OMS and EMS solutions, is pleased to announce the release of a product suite for Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) connectivity - ICE Trade Capture. B2BITS® has developed the product, fully certified with the exchange, to solve the problem many market participants will face as a result of the planned decommissioning of the ICE Java API in November 2009. The product has Java, .NET, and C++ libraries, as well as an application server - all pre-configured to work with ICE.

The libraries are used for tightly integrated trading applications, which connect directly to ICE (see FIX Antenna Java, FIX Antenna C++, and FIX Antenna .NET sections). The FIXEdge-based application server allows fully automating process of capturing trades from ICE and completely encapsulating all the specifics of the ICE connectivity.

ICE Trade Capture has the following features:

  • Fully supports workflow defined ICE for trade capture
  • Inserts trade capture messages into client side SQL database
  • Automatically manages security definition table
  • Has multiple ways to integrate with internal systems via database, TIB, MQ and other supported by FIXEdge middleware
  • Has cluster ready configuration
  • Includes scripts for trades reconciliation in case of failures of connection to ICE
  • Operations are scheduled and fully automated

The deployment of this solution will provide clients with the following benefits:

  • Re-use of a proven technology offering (FIXEdge server)
  • Reduced time to deployment
  • Reduced cost of implementation
  • Reduced cost of operation
  • Lower technical risk for support and maintenance

The certified hosted solution is provided by SDS Financial Technologies. B2BITS helps integrate and certify clients' hosted solutions.

For more information, please contact B2BITS® at sales@b2bits.com.

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