The FIX Trading Community is constantly working on the analysis of the challenges in the field of cybersecurity and on the elicitation of the various security threat scenarios that represent possible strategies a hostile party may employ to disrupt, imitate or change legitimate message traffic between electronic trading counterparties. The  FIX Security White Paper was developed as a result of community efforts to incorporate these scenarios. 

The FIX Antenna and FIXEdge products follow the recommendations published by FIX Trading Community to address all the current issues and challenges on the cybersecurity front to satisfy best practices and all the crucial requirements of the industry.

Overall Security Features Supported in FIX Antenna C++/.NET/Java and FIXEdge/FIXEdge Java

Feature FIX Antenna C++/.NET  FIXEdge Java/FIX Antenna Java   FIXEdge  
Internal static code analysis against buffer overflows and other security breaches check icon check icon   check icon 
Protection from abnormal user behavior (including DDoS attacks) check icon    check icon  
SSL/TLS with keys management for both initiator and acceptor roles check icon check icon  check icon  
Support for custom encryption algorithms check icon     check icon 
FIX message validation check icon check icon  check icon 
Filtering against IP range and ports to be used for connection check icon check icon Partially, filtering against IP only 
Settings for TCP protection     check icon 

FIX Security White Paper main points and related features/measures implemented/envisaged in FIX Antenna and FIXEdge can be found here.