EPAM Systems provides support services for its products based on the respective Service Level Agreements.

Standard support services consist of upgrades and updates to the latest officially released version of the software, as well as a specified number of support hours per year, stated in the agreement, to correct defects in the software.

Support services are provided via email, telephone and/or internet assistance. We offer the following support packages:

  Basic Gold Platinum
Updates and Upgrades

Updates to the current version

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check icon gold

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Upgrades to new versions

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Support services included

Correction of software defects

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check icon gold

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Consulting on initial set up


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Consulting on design and best practices (use of API)


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Migration support from one release to another


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Review of client's code implementation


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Performance management and tuning to the best performance on a given platform



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Access to extending product features ahead of scheduled releases



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SLA terms


Business hours



On demand on site availability


Within 5 days

Within 24 hours

Response time

Support request acknowledgement

1 hour

15 min

15 min

Update or Resolution time

Severity 1 - Critical Business Impact

1 day

2 hours

2 hours

Severity 2 - Significant Business Impact

3 days

1 day

4 hours

Severity 3 - Some Business Impact

14 days

7 days

7 days

Severity 4 - Minimal Business Impact

1 month

1 month

1 month

For an upgrade to the latest version you can use our online service Client space.
For additional information about our software and documentation, follow the online Knowledge base.
For product support or help please use any of the following options: