B2Bits FIX Request for Quotes solution (RFQ manager) is designed to accommodate the needs of diverse trading scenarios and client types (dealers and buy side ).
RFQ manager enables traders and algo trading platforms to automatically place requests for quotes and receive responses from multiple marketplaces.
RFQ manager connects to multiple markets, and liquidity pools via FIX protocol. RFQ manager supports all the versions of FIX protocol.
It supports quote requests in multiple asset classes via FIX protocol defined RFQ workflows to work with such venues as:
- ICE BondPoint
- Tradeweb Direct
- Market Axess
- MuniBrokers (HTD)
- ICE TMC Bound
- Trumid
- Investortools Dealer Network
It is based on generic FIX server technology. FIXEdge’s business layer allows to define both message transformation and message routing rules.
The clients use this solution to build sophisticated market making or searching liquidity tools.
- Flexible distribution configuration support
- Dealers may distribute market data in different ways:
- Directed (to a single client)
Each approved client may receive their own unique stream of messages. - Broadcast (all connected clients)
All connected clients receive the same message. - Hybrid (group of clients)
Messages are sent to groups of clients.
- Directed (to a single client)
- Buy-side clients may request quotes from one or more dealers for one or more securities using due-in interval, or “curtain” time.
- Dealers may distribute market data in different ways:
- Access to multiple reference data sources with the ability to store and access the data for enrichment
- Automations and plugins for smart logic and data conversion (ability to normalize messages to different formats like JSON, FIXML, Avro)
- Wide choice of pluggable non-FIX transport adapters (Camel, Kafka, JMS, “FIX to world”)
Monitoring and administration
- Rich UI for monitoring session statuses and parameters in real time
- On-the-fly configuration and business rules update
- Cloud infrastructure support
- Ready to work in cluster (High availability support)
- Scalable solution, extendable to cover new venues and new workflows
Workflow Examples
Supported scenarios are not limited to the ones listed below.
Offer > Bid > Counter > Lift (negotiation).
The dealer and buy-side entities adjust terms, conditions, and pricing to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
Bid against Bids Wanted, resulting in trade.
The terms and pricing proposed are accepted, and the transaction is finalized.
Business message types supported
- Market Data Incremental Refresh (35=X)
- Quote Request (35=R)
- Quote Request Reject (35=AG)
- Quote Response (35=AJ)
- Quote Status Report (35=AI)
- Quote (35=S)
- Quote Cancel (35=Z)
- Execution Report (35=8)
- Allocation Instructions (35=J)
- Allocation Instruction Ack (35=P)
- New Order Single (35=D)
- Order Cancel Request (35=F)
- Order Cancel Reject (35=9)
- IOI (35=6)
Installation Package
- FIXEdge
- Ready to use Integrated Control Center
- License file
- Full documentation
- Recovery tool
- Transport Adaptor(s) for integration with middleware supported by FIXEdge
- SQL scripts for integration with database
- Provides consulting and customization services to end-user specifics and requirements
- Integration with end-user middleware or 3-rd party system
- Implementation of business logic and mapping
- Application support
Deployment of this solution gives you the following benefits:
- Re-use of a proven and certified technology offering (FIXEdge server)
- Exposed public FIX API
- Reduced time to deployment
- Reduced cost of implementation
- Reduced cost of operation
- Lower technical risk for support and maintenance
- 24x7 support provided worldwide
- Availability of "on-demand" software escrow