EPAM B2BITS provides pre-certified connectivity solutions for direct access to the FIX TCP, FAST UDP Multicast Market data feeds and Transactional interface to all the markets of the Moscow Exchange.

MOEX Direct Exchange Access

All solutions described above are equipped with rich UI simplifying configuration and maintenance, and allow real-time monitoring of session statuses and parameters  on  desktop app or  web browser.

Market Data

B2BITS MOEX FIX/FAST Market Data Adaptors allow applications to subscribe to one or more instruments traded on any market and support all the features of the  MOEX Market Data multicast feeds (Equities, Derivatives (SPECTRA), FX), including all types of recovery.

Key features:

  • Connect and maintain connections to the MOEX Market Data Feeds via UDP, including Incremental Updates feeds, Market Recovery (Snapshots) feeds and Instrument Definitions Feed (replay)
  • Provide access to all markets of the Moscow Exchange Group - EquitiesDerivatives (SPECTRA)FX
  • Provide high performance recovery methods (Market Recovery, Natural Refresh, Market Recovery with Natural Refresh, TCP recovery)
  • Automatically apply FAST decoding and hide FAST details from the client
  • Provide ability for order book management
  • Provide simple C++/,NET API to subscribe/unsubscribe by symbol, receive security definitions, snapshots, increments, news and security statuses via call-backs
  • Provide ability to load MOEX XML configuration file with connection details and FAST Templates provided by MOEX on the official ftp


The B2BITS Solution for Trading interface of the Moscow Exchange is a FIX Antenna®-based, low latency solution. It allows an application to send orders and receive executions via FIX from any market (Equities, Derivatives (SPECTRA), FX).

Key features:

  • Connects and maintains connection to the MOEX trading API via TCP/IP.
  • Provides access to all markets of the Moscow Exchange Group - EquitiesDerivatives (SPECTRA)FX
  • Fully supports the order flow of a Moscow Exchange trading session (new order request, cancel/replace order request, order/trading session statuses, executions)
  • Provides ability to load MOEX configuration files via FTP.
  • Simple C++ and .NET API to send/change orders and get trades.
  • Has the lowest latency of all available software solutions on the market and covers 90% of transactions on MOEX


B2BITS Solution for TradeCapture interface of the Moscow Exchange is FIX Antenna®-based, low latency solution that allows applications to receive trade confirmations via FIX from Equities, Derivatives (SPECTRA) and FX markets.

Key features:

  • Connects and maintains connection to MOEX trading API via TCP/IP.
  • Provides access to EquitiesDerivatives (SPECTRA) and FX markets of the Moscow Exchange Group
  • Provides ability to load MOEX configuration files via FTP.
  • Pure FIX 4.4. interface - automatically applies conversion from native MOEX Trading API data to FIX protocol.
  • Provides administration utility that allows real-time session status monitoring and maintains configurations

The deployment of these solutions will provide the following benefits:

  • Pre-certified with the Moscow Exchange
  • Quick start and benchmark samples assuring prompt familiarizing with the software
  • Re-use of a proven and certified technology with direct market access
  • Reduced time to market and cost of implementation & operation
  • Lower technical risk for support and maintenance
  • 24x7 support provided worldwide
  • Option to customize these solutions to meet end-user specifics and requirements
  • Availability of "on-demand" software escrow