FIX tools is a collection of utilities designed and intended to simplify the day-to-day work of developers, testers, and support personnel.

These utilities could be used to:

  • Analyze FIX/FAST messages
  • Capture and Replay FIX/FAST traffic
  • Simulate FIX buy and/or sell side end points
Tool name Technology Console/GUI Windows/Linux
FIX Log Analyzers .NET, C++ GUI, Console Windows, Linux
Main features:
  • Extract FIX messages from an arbitrary file
  • Excel like tables to show, filter, and search for FIX messages
  • Context search in FIX files
  • Order backtrace by id
  • Session back trace
  • Real-time monitoring and alerting
  • Scripting
  • Search by Regular expression
  • Support FIX dialects
  • Export selected cells to CSV
  • and many more...
FIX Client Simulator GUI .NET GUI Windows
Main features:
  • Create sessions for initiators and acceptors
  • Send and receive messages
  • Send message batches
  • Load messages from file, modify and send them
FIX Client Simulator (console) C++ Console Windows, Linux
Main features:
  • Create session initiator
  • Load messages from file and send them
EchoServer C++, .NET Console Windows, Linux

Main features:

  • Create Acceptor and Initiator FIX session(s) from configuration file
  • Accept any incoming FIX connection
  • Echo back all received messages
FAST UDPDump C++, Java Console Windows, Linux
Main features:
  • Subscribes to UDP group and stores all FAST traffic to the file
CMEReplay C++ Console Windows, Linux
Main features:
  • Takes sequence of FIX messages for an incremental channel
  • Generates data for an MD recovery channel
  • Encodes and replays incremental channel data, providing access to MD recovery and TCP replay
  • Supports feeds A/B; configurable timing; CME style.
FIX2DB Java Console Windows, Linux
Main features:
  • Extracts FIX messages from a file and stores them to the DB.
  • Monitors file and extracts newly appeared messages.
  • Uses JDBC, can work with any RDBS
FIXTCPDump Java Console Windows, Linux
Main features:
  • Listens to TCP traffic (using sniffer, pcap)
  • Extracts FIX messages from the flow
  • Filters messages by predefined criteria and stores to file
Main features:
  • Establishes FIX connection
  • Reads messages from a file and sends them one-by-one to the FIX session as is
  • Messages can be automatically adjusted e.g. SendingTime, CheckSum, and some other fields can be automatically corrected before sending
Main features:
  • Listens to TCP traffic (using sniffer, pcap)
  • Extracts FIX messages D (New Order Single) and 8 (Execution Report) from the flow
  • Matches order and execution by ClOrdID, calculated delay (acknowledge time) and stores value to a file

If you have interest in exploring any of these products further please contact us at