EPAM B2BITS FIX/FAST Market Data Adaptor for B3 - formerly BM&FBOVESPA allows an application to subscribe to one or multiple instruments, and supports all the features of B3 - formerly BM&FBovespa PUMA UMDF Market data feeds including mandatory TCP recovery.

B3 Market Data Adaptor


Feature Description
BOVESPA Market Data Feeds access

Connects and maintains connections to the  B3 - formerly BM&FBovespa PUMA UMDF Market data feeds via UDP:

  • Instrument Definition Stream
  • Incremental Stream
  • Market Recovery stream
Supported Market Data types

All Data types available at PUMA UMDF are supported:

  • Instrument definitions 
  • Aggregated and Non-aggregated order books 
  • Top of the Book 
  • Trade and Real-time statistics: 
    • trade and trade volume;
    • session high/low/VWAP prices;
    • opening/closing price;
    • settlement prices;
    • theoretical opening prices;
    • opening price;
    • price banding information;
    • BOVESPA Index statistical data
  • Information about current instrument trading status, current trading phase and trading statistics reset
Auto recovery

Automatically fills gaps when packages are lost using high performance recovery methods:

  • TCP Recovery (primary recovery method)
  • Market Recovery
  • Natural Refresh
  • Market Recovery with Natural Refresh

Supports both Message and Instrument level sequencing.

BOVESPA feeds arbitration

Automatically arbitrates between Feed A and Feed B

FAST decoding Automatically applies FAST decoding, hides FAST details from the client
High-level interface Simple API to receive product and instrument definitions, market data events and order book updates via call-back interfaces
Low-level interface
  • Simple API to receive market data FIX messages via call-back interfaces
  • The transport layer is implemented based on Boost.Asio
Adjustable BOVESPA configuration

Ability to load BOVESPA configuration file and use connection parameters.

Dynamic FAST templates

Ability to load BOVESPA FAST template file and adjust FAST decoder accordingly.

High performance
  • The lowest latency among all available software solutions on the market.
  • Support  Myricom DBL networking solution
Simple intuitive API

API to subscribe/unsubscribe by symbol, API to receive security definitions, snapshots, increments, news and security statuses via call-backs.

Compatibility with FIX Antenna Java Can be easily integrated with FIX Antenna Java (via API) for further processing of received market data.
Well packaged

BOVESPA FIX/FAST Market Data Adaptor is delivered with:

  • Pre-compiled binaries for a chosen platform
  • API Guide
  • Programmer's Guide with code examples
  • Set of utilities with sources:
    • traffic dump
    • traffic replay
    • FAST to FIX decoder
Supported platforms

Supported OS: 

  • Windows, Linux

Supported compilers:

  • C++ Linux gcc4.8, gcc6.1 - with C++03 and C++11 ABIs
  • C++ Windows VS2015 & VS2017
  • JDK 1.5 and above


BM&FBOVESPA FIX/FAST Market Data Adaptor is now available in a 30-day trial version.

Software escrow is available on demand.

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