• B2Bits FIX solution was deployed in a production environment on the cloud (Azure) for the first time.
  • b2bits.com has successfully migrated to Umbraco v13.2.2, delivering enhanced website functionality, improved usability, and optimized performance for a better user experience.
  • FIX Client Simulator Console Launched : a new command-line interface (CLI) tool was introduced, allowing users to execute test scenarios and replay log files efficiently.
  • FIXICC H2 24Q1.2 Release: included built-in HSQLDB support and introduced a monitoring mode with enhanced security and efficiency for system management.
  • FIXEdge C++ 6.17.0 Release: added the new Direct Database API (DDBAPI), enabling advanced SQL queries directly from the FIXEdge business layer.
  • FIXEdge Java 1.10.4 Release: integrated Drools for flexible rule management, enhancing the processing and customization of FIX workflows.
  • FIXEdge C++ 6.16.0 Release: introduced Apache Camel TA, enabling advanced data integration and connectivity options.








  • Added support of GCC 6.3 support to FIX Antenna C++/.NET version 2.22.0
  • Introducing high-performance solutions for ICE Trade Capture and ICE Private Order Feed
  • Released a new FIX Antenna Java version 2.17.0 with improved performance metrics
  • Released a new version of CME MDP 3.0 with support of  Market by Order and TCP Historical Replay functionalities
  • Completed the Intercontinental Exchange conformance certification for ICE Private Order Feed and are now recognized as an ICE POF Independent Software Vendor
  • MiFID II regulation compliance has been implemented in new versions of the FIX Antenna C++/.Net/Java and FIX Edge software
  • Introduced the Rest Admin API interface in the new FIXEdge version 6.4.0
  • Implemented MIFID II support in FIX Antenna C++/.NET v2.19 and discontinued support of FIX Antenna ANSI C.
  • Introduced HFT Antenna v1.0, the library that provides low latency FIX message routing. HFT Antenna incorporates advantages of special Linux specific features and best message routing practices. 
  • Released FIXEdge C++ v6.0 with enhanced functionality of FIX session schedule management.
  • Implemented rules for target routing in FIXEdge Java v1.2.29.
  • Released version 2.18 of FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET that includes support of the new version of FAST Gate 1.3.0 for Derivatives Market and new version of FAST UDP multicast Market Data 4.5 functionalities.
  • Released an upgraded FIX Antenna Java v2.15.2 with repeating groups support.


  • Introduced  RabbitMQ Transport Adapter.
  • Updated MIT Adapter to support LSE MIT 303 Level 2 - MITCH Specification 11.6
  • Provided open source code of Java based CME MDP 3.0 Handler that fully supports features of the CME Globex MDP3.0 market data platform including recovery and book management API.
  • Implemented new CME iLink Adapter in Java supporting all the features of CME New iLink Architecture including Hot Failover.
  • Released FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.16 with support of  CME iLink MSGW and  CME Drop Copy 4.0 and FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.17 with improved performance of massive resend requests when persistent storage type is used, updated FIX 5.0 SP2 dictionary and FAST template for Spectra FAST gate.
  • Provided FIX Antenna Java v2.15. with support of CME  iLink MSGW including Fault Tolerance, implemented API for working with repeating groups and added method allowing to initiate session and to send messages to it before connect.
  • Had 4 major releases of FIXEdge (versions 5.11.1, 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14) with many new features and improvements, amongst which are the IP addresses range definition in the properties file using CIDR FIXEdge SDK package for creation Custom Handlers and Transport Adaptors, and others.
  • Released FIXEdge Java v1.1 with Persistence API that provides easy and fast way to storing data and FIXEdge Java v1.2 with support to work in cluster and replication service.


  • Implemented and released FIXEdge Java v1.0, an application server providing routing of FIX messages with ability to customize routing behavior.
  • Passed BISTECH FIX Certification Program at Borsa Istanbul with its low latency FIX Antenna® which fully supports all features of FIX Order Entry and FIX Reference Data interfaces of BISTECH Trading Platform.
  • Released updated B2BITS CME MDP Handler that includes support of BVMF MDP 3.0 market data feed and equipped with Replay Utility allowing clients capturing market data UDP packets and saving them into binary files for subsequent decoding and replay. 
  • Released FIXEdge v5.11.0 with essentially improved performance of data base access, with possibility to reconnect to FIX Initiator session if SSL is used, support of the thread affinity and SSL in FIX backup connections.
  • Released FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.13 with SSL and CentOS/RedHat 7 support.
  • Introduced MOEX Spectra FAST gateway adaptor.
  • Extended MOEX FIX/FAST Market Data Adaptor functionality with support of Instrument Status Feed.
  • Released FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v 2.14 FIX engine that offers API for assigning CPU affinity masks for working threads and version 2.15 with support of
  • Released FIX Antenna Java version 2.14 supporting repeating groups.
  • Authentication of FIX session through LDAP and  Log Replicator tool were added to FIXEdge v5.10.


  • Implemented low latency ICE iMpact Market Data handler that helps feeding the ICE market data directly into the user's algo-trading application.
  • Passed certification with its recently released low latency CME MDP3.0 Market Data Adaptor which fully supports all features of new MDP3.0 platform, helps feeding the CME market data directly into the user's algo-trading application.
  • Expanded offering for post-trade data processing with the following products
    • FIXEdge Adaptors for CME ConfirmHub and STP API,
    • Next Generation of FIXEdge CME ClearedTrades Handler,
    • Lightweight Database loaders for CME ClearedTrades, ClearPort and STP APIs.
  • Released FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.12 with new Market Data adaptors: fully certified CME MDP 3.0 feed adaptor, London Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange ITCH feed adaptors.
  • Updated FIX Admin protocol to version 2.24 in FIX Antenna Java v2.12
  • Released FIX Antenna 2.13 with enhanced auto-reconnection and handling of rejected messages functionalities.
  • Introduced Solace Transport Adaptor.
  • Released the version 5.8 of FIXEdge C++ with support of new CME interfaces for trade capture (Confirm Hub and STP APIs), as well as additional configuration options for FIX sessions, new Java Script functions, additional flexibility for configuring log files format. 
  • Implemented SSL support for FIX sessions into FIXEdge v5.9.


  • Provided Connectivity Solution for Eurex NTA Trading Session.
  • Built Eurex T7 Engine, a comprehensive connectivity solution for trading on Eurex Exchange.
  • Implemented zero-GC FIX Antenna Java version 2.11 with support of multi-host environments, multiple JMS connection per one FIX session and multiple threads per JMS connection for producers.
  • Released new FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.10.15 - the fastest software based engine in the world.
  • Released enhanced FIX Engine version 5.6 with FIX Eye log analyzer and enhanced FIXICC monitoring tool.
  • With FIXEdge version 5.7 introduced Tibco RV Transport Adapter for Linux and added Splitter Transport Adapter for fast XML<->FIX transformations.
  • Introduced HFT pre-trade risk check ultra-low latency product.
  • Exhibited at the 29th Annual Futures & Options Expo in Chicago that was the biggest event of the year for listed derivatives market participants. 


  • Provided Market Data Connectivity to MEFF, JSE and EUREX NTA.
  • Won the independent Intel led competition for trick to trade latency test.
  • Participated in consortium of leading IT vendors to create demonstrable high performance solution stacks to measure FIX messaging latency.
  • Exhibited at the EMEA Trading Conference, an event organized by one of Europe's most influential trading associations - FIX Protocol Ltd.
  • Exhibited at FPL Americas Trading Conference 2012 in New York, demonstrated the latest, state of the art low latency solutions including Fix engines, FIX appliances, and market data adaptors.
  • Released FIX Antenna Java version 2.10 with optimized performance, updated FIX admin protocol to version 2.23 and support of SLF4J loggers.
  • Released FIXEdge v5.5 and FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.9.


  • Implemented FIX Gateway for OMX X_STREAM.
  • Provided Market Data Connectivity to CQG.
  • Together with MICEX introduced a new low latency market data feed service - MFIX Market Data Multicast
  • Developed CME ClearPort and SGX Reporting Engines, allowing users to not only report trades for CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX and DME products to CME ClearPort via FIXML 5.0 SP2, but also request a list and details of tradable securities, entity reference data.
  • Implemented SGX Reporting Engine allowing users to work with SGX Clear API via HTTPS using SOAP FIXML 5.0 SP2 messages and to submit OTC trades to SGX Clear, request the status of the reported trade.
  • Integrated with key CEP product (Streambase).
  • Introduced embedded on PCI Express card FIX solution.
  • Released FIX Antenna QF Adaptor for the QuickFIX community users to achieve substantial improvement in the latency characteristics of their trading applications.
  • Released FIX Antenna Java version 2.7 that included optimized performance and a large number of new features and enhancements, FIX Antenna Java v.2.8 contained enhanced work with dictionaries.
  • Bovespa FAST Market Data Connectivity was implemented in scope of FIX Antenna Java v.2.9
  • Released FIXEdge v5.4 and FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.8.


  • Released improved versions 2.3 and 2.4 of the FIX Antenna Java libraries to address demand for high frequency trading. FIX 5.0SP2 support was added.
  • Added access to 10 new markets worldwide.
  • Released FIXEdge v5.3 and FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.7.
  • Implemented a FIX compliant transactional gateway for the MICEX
  • Became an official ISV for Bovespa/BM&F stock exchange.
  • Released FIX Integrated Control Center (FIXICC), the next generation of FIX/FAST monitor, which allows administering FIX connectivity layer built using the FIX Antenna and FIXEdge products. 


  • Built a FIX compliant market data solution for a Russian stock exchange to distribute data via FIX and FAST.
  • Extended services to energy companies in the post-trading space.
  • Underwent certification as a vendor of services and integrator with ICE and CME.
  • Created FIX routing hub to 80+ destinations for a market maker on the equity market in US, provided automated on-boarding support and services.
  • Released FIXEdge v5.2 and FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.6.
  • Implemented JMS connectivity solution for communication with third-party applications via JMS.
  • Released FIX Antenna Java versions with
    • FAST support and admin tool were in FIX Antenna Java v2.1
    • CME FAST Market Data Connectivity in FIX Antenna Java v2.2
    • JMS connectivity, EBS FAST Market Data connectivity, FIXML Convertor and FIX version 5.0SP1 support in FIX Antenna Java v2.3


  • Completely rewrote FIX Antenna Java v2.0 library to meet the demand for speed from major clients like Knight Securities, bonds trading.
  • Created a new generation test and certification tools - FACTS and STAFF frameworks.
  • Worked on a variety of interfaces to multiple FIX destinations worldwide.
  • Integrated multiple FIX interfaces for Metaquotes worldwide.
  • Joined forces with EPAM Systems, the leading software engineering and IT Outsourcing provider in Central and Eastern Europe. Operating as EPAM's Capital Markets Competency Center, B2BITS' powerful FIX family of products and services was extended with a comprehensive worldwide service delivery capability.
  • EPAM optimized the customer support options to cover 24x7 SLAs.
  • Created FIX routing hub to options exchanges for SDS Technologies (Options Express).
  • Implemented FIX interface for a major clearing house in London, developed testing scripts for clients on-boarding.
  • Worked with clients on optimization of FIX connectivity to reduce latency.
  • Released FIXEdge v5.1 and FIX Antenna C/C++/.Net v2.5.

2004 - 2007

  • In 2004, became one of four official certification vendors endorsed by FIX Protocol Ltd., the official FIX standard setting organization.
  • Licensed FIX libraries and provided maintenance and support to ABN AMRO worldwide.
  • In 2005, started providing FIX integration services to JP Morgan Chase for exchange connectivity and IOI, as well as Refco major routing hub to connect to 15 global futures exchanges.
  • In 2006, developed a new version of FIXEdge.
  • Implemented FIXEdge for several brokerage houses.
  • Implemented FIX Antenna C++ for SUNGARD U2 product. Developed an extensive set of tools for FIXML to FIX conversions on different platforms, which were used in different customers' projects.
  • In 2007, created a set of FIX tools and services in .NET.
  • Implemented FIX based interfaces to market data to LME.
  • Developed and implemented a generic interface from Excel to FIX protocol.
  • Provided sophisticated FIX integration solutions to major buy side institutions to access fragmented marketplaces.

2002 - 2003

  • Opened offices in London. Developed C++ FIX library v1.1.
  • Developed OMS Lite.
  • Introduced one of the world's most popular sources for information about FIX - FIXopaedia.
  • In 2003, developed the first generation of test and certification tools implemented at Citibank. Initiated consulting services practice.
  • Additionally, in 2003, B2BITS signed a partnership with Sun Microsystems to develop FIXEdge - an application server providing FIX connectivity to multiple clients. This was the first partnership in the industry supported by a major computer hardware company. FIXEdge integrated FIX software with an operating system into a configurable, fault-tolerant hardware/software solution. The product was marketed and sold to financial institutions by Sun.

2000 - 2001

  • Founded in 2000 focusing on FIX services, employing highly experienced top-tier technologists, architects and developers with in-depth FIX knowledge and skills.
  • Revolutionized the Financial Information Exchange (FIX) protocol sector when, in 2000, the company released an open source version of its first FIX engine - FIX Antenna Java FIX engine.
  • Developed FIX-based OMS, Routing Hubs and EMS, which were successfully implemented at a number of exchanges, sell and buy side organizations, as well as ASPs, including JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, London Stock Exchange, and ABN AMRO.
  • In 2001, began to commercialize the next versions of its initial FIX engine technologies with Merrill Lynch and others contributing with maintenance and enhancement services.

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