21 October 2021
FIXICC H2 21Q3 Release
B2BITS, EPAM Systems company, is pleased to share the release of the FIX Integrated Control Center (FIXICC) H2 21Q3, which is applicable to FIXEDGE H2 servers (starting with FIXEdge C++ 6.11.6 and FIXEdge Java 1.9.0).
New Features and Improvements:
- Manages javascripts and xml for business rules for the FIXEdge C++ server via a web interface
- Monitors transport adapters on the dashboard
- Ability to view/search FIX logs
- Ability to configure and work with the LDAP server
- Ability to establish a connection between FIXEdge Java and FIXICC H2 via HTTPS
The complete Release Notes are available in Knowledge Base.
For our existing customers, the new version of FIXICC H2 is available for download in the B2BITS client space. For other interested parties, an evaluation of FIXICC H2 is available upon request. Please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.