26 June 2020
LSE GTP Handler Release
B2BITS, EPAM Systems company is pleased to announce the release of market data handler for LSE GTP.
EPAM B2BITS Market Data Handler for the London Stock Exchange Group - Group Ticker Plant (GTP) platform (B2BITS GTP Handler) is a comprehensive solution that is suitable for all types of users from information subscribers to individual traders and supports all the features of The Group Ticket plan market feeds.
The LSEG Group Ticker Plant is a consolidated real-time market data technology, delivering real-time market data via binary protocol with exceptional levels of performance and low latency. It is a multi-asset class market data solution that supports Cash Equities, Fixed Income (both Bonds and Warrants) and Derivatives.
B2BITS GTP Handler supports all the markets listed in the The Group Ticket plan documentation, including London Cash Equity markets (LSE); Borsa Italiana Cash Equity markets (MTA, SeDex and ETFs); Borsa Italiana Derivatives markets (IDEM); Borsa Italiana Fixed Income markets (MOT); Borsa Italiana Trading After Hours (TAH); EuroTLX markets (ETLX); Turquoise Cash Equity markets and TRADEcho APA Trade reports and SI quotes.
To read more click here.
LSE GTP Handler is now available in a 30-day trial version per request - please direct requests for evaluation to sales@btobits.com.