
One of the largest and longest standing digital currency exchanges in the world (the Exchange), providing a reliable and easy to use service for companies and individuals to exchange bitcoins. The Exchange allows trading between USD currency and bitcoin cryptocurrency and also USD, EUR, bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, ripple or bitcoin cash deposits and withdrawals.


The Exchange used native APIs for order flow and market data services. The Exchange wanted to build a FIX-compliant client interface to enable banks, brokers, and investment companies to conduct trades on the exchange using the FIX Protocol.


The FIX Gateway is a FIX-compliant client gateway performing the translation and routing of FIX messages from clients to appropriate calls to the Exchange's REST or Websockets APIs, as well as the translation and routing of replies from the Exchange's REST and Websockets APIs to the appropriate FIX messages.

  • FIX Gateway supports Market Data and Trading message flows combining the use of REST and Websockets APIs
  • FIX Gateway is able to process hundreds of messages per second in each FIX session
  • Mapping between FIX messages and JSON API messages and vice versa is scripted
  • Supported protocols: FIX 4.4

Technologies and Tools

  • FIXEdge®
  • Programming languages: C++, Java, Java Script, XML, FIX
  • Java technologies: REST API, WebSockets API, Spring, JSON
  • Boost
  • STL
  • Multithreading 
  • FIX 
  • Linux API


Working with EPAM Systems, the Exchange built and released a new client interface - FIX Gateway, which has been successfully working in production since November 2016 and attracting new clients.